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  • Friends of Allmänna Sången | Allmänna Sången

    VÄNFÖRENINGEN Allmänna Sångens Vänner Föreningen Allmänna Sångens Vänner har till syfte att i olika sammanhang stödja den aktiva kören, praktiskt och ekonom iskt, samt att ge tillfälle för medlemmarna att få träffas under otvungna former, återknyta gamla kontakter och möta nya sångarvänner. Under ett typiskt år för Allmänna Sångens Vänner utgör föreningen en trogen konsertpublik vid Allmänna Sångens konserter. Före vårkonserten inbjuds medlemmar till cocktail och årsmöte. Alumner blir inbjudna såväl till middagen efter vårkonserten som till Gustav II Adolfsmiddagen i november. På hösten genomförs den ”ständiga kräftskivan”, särskilt ämnad för ständiga medlemmar. Vid Allmänna Sångens evenemang deltar vi med anordnandet av sexor och andra typer av sociala sammankomster. Allmänna Sångens Vänner hålls informerade främst genom epost, men också genom den årsskrift som distribueras per brev en gång per år. I februari 2017 anordnades Vinnarfesten - bland skålar och pokaler, en eftermiddag med sång på temat tävlingar som Allmänna Sången har vunnit. På kvällen genomfördes en fest på samma tema. I februari 2019 hade vi tema-evenemanget Allmänna Sången på Skiva och traditionen fortsatte i februari 2022 med temat Fester vi minns – eller inte. Evenemangen har varit mycket uppskattade med mer än 150 deltagande sångare. Allmänna Sångens Vänner utdelar årligen ett stipendium till en sångare som gjort sig förtjänt därav. Medlemskap Föreningen står öppen för medlemmar av Allmänna Sången och övriga som visat ett särskilt intresse för Allmänna Sångens verksamhet. Årsavgiften är 300 kronor för årsbetalande och 50 kronor för aktiv medlem i kören. Ständig medlem blir man om man betalar in en engångssumma på 3 000 kronor. En ständig medlem har rätt att bära den ”ständiga medlemsnålen”. Medlemskap tecknas genom inbetalning på Allmänna Sångens Vänners plusgiro 155844-4, eller med Swish till 1234 388 252. Allmänna Sångens Vänners minnes- och hyllningsfond Föreningen har en egen minnes- och hyllningsfond. Genom att sätta in pengar, kan man hedra någon vid dödsfall eller hylla någon som fyller år eller jubilerar på annat sätt. Fondens medel går oavkortade till Allmänna Sångens verksamhet och den som uppvaktas får ett skriftligt bevis från Vänföreningen. Vid inbetalning, var noga med att ange vem som ska uppvaktas och varför, samt vem/vilka som gör inbetalningen. Beställ genom inbetalning på Allmänna Sångens Vänners plusgiro 155844-4. Allmänna Sångens Vänners konstmapp Allmänna Sångens Vänners konstmapp innehåller fyra litografier med uppsalamotiv tecknade av konstnären Yngve Svalander. Bilderna är kommenterade av Ejnar Haglund. Konstmappen är framställd i 300 signerade och numrerade exemplar och kostar 1 000 kronor. Beställ genom inbetalning på Allmänna Sångens Vänner plusgiro 155844-4. Kontakta Allmänna Sångens Vänner Kontakta Allmänna Sångens Vänner genom epost till . Det går också bra att kontakta någon i föreningens styrelse, se nedan. Ordförande Jonas Oldgren Vice ordförande Carl Peter Wickström Skattmästare Gunnel Haulin Sekreterare Jacob Piehl Klubbmästare Josefina Jonsson Representant aktiva kören Mica Håll Medlemsrekrytering Akoth Makokha Sandell Övriga ledamöter Birgitta Wikmark Carlsson, Oloph Demker, Maria Lundblad

  • Jul på slottet 2021 | Allmänna Sången

    Välkomna till årets Jul på slottet! När Allmänna Sången fyller Uppsala slott med granar, rykande varm glögg och sång finns det ingen tvekan om att juletiden har börjat. Rikssalen utgör en vacker fond för traditionella julsånger som tar dig tillbaka till förväntan från forna jular. Tillsammans med melodier där sorg, glädje, ljus och mörker får mötas och finnas till, blir Jul på slottet en konsert som stannar kvar långt efter att tonerna klingat ut. Under ledning av Maria Goundorina bjuder Allmänna Sången på ett program där vår älskade svenska julmusik får möta den franska med isande, kalla vinternätter i Paris genom Francis Poulencs ”Un soir de niege” och Olivier Messiens fylliga klangbilder. Helgi Reynisson är årets solist som efter sin examen från Operahögskolan i Stockholm har påbörjat en karriär med solistroller internationellt såväl som i Sverige. Nu kommer han tillbaka till staden han växte upp i för att förgylla Jul på slottet med sin barytonröst. Varmt välkomna till årets Jul på slottet! Biljetter säljs genom Tickster via länkar nedan: Jul på slottet 27 november kl 14 Jul på slottet 28 november kl 14

  • ASAWCA 2019

    Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award For the third time, Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall together with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB arrange the “ Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award”, a competition for female composers. The prize includes , in addition to a prize sum of SEK 50,000, that the contribution is premiered by Allmänna Sången and that it will be published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the fi rst time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced this composer competition aimed at female composers. The competition aims to draw attention to female composers and their work. Through the arrangement of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award, there is hope of receiving many interesting contributions from all over the world that can enrich and develop our era of music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. The contributions will be reviewed by a reputable international jury, led by Robert Sund, consisting of outstanding conductors and composers, who also designates the winner of the competition. Rules The composition has to be new and unpublished. The lyrics can be new or pre-existing and are chosen by the composer but has to be in the language of English, Swedish or Latin. The music shall be written for mixed voice a cappella choir with 4–12 parts and the duration of the piece shall be 6–9 minutes. For detailed rules, see "Terms and Conditions" below. Registration The first date of possible registration is June 1 : st 2018 on this link , and will be open until December 1 : st . The last day for handing in your contribution is December 31:st 2018 . Information about how to hand in the contribution will be sent out after December 1:st to the ones who have registered. More information More information about the competition will be published continuously. Down below you can find the acknowledgement of the competition in our press release document. If you have any questions, please contact Simon Arlasjö (project manager) at . Press release (english) Terms and Conditions

  • WALPURGIS BALL 2023 | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sången Walpurgis Ball! As daylight returns and hearts and minds begin to thaw, it is time to welcome everyone to the traditional Walpurgis ball at Uppsala castle! The crown jewel of Swedish springtime celebrations opens once again to the public as part of the annual spring celebrations in Uppsala held on the last day of April. Organised by Almänna Sången, Scandinavia’s oldest academic choir, this year we celebrate the 200 year anniversary of the “spring celebrations” with traditional singing in the castle courtyard at 21:00. In 1822 “Vårsång”/”Spring song”, or “Våren är kommen”/”Spring has arrived”, was written by Arrhén von Kapfelmann to be performed for the first time during the spring celebrations of Walpurgis night in the hills of Uppsala castle in 1823. It was also the first time that choirs and choral music became a recurring part of the Uppsala residents’ spring celebration. This year’s Bicentennial Walpurgis Ball will take the form of being a greater celebration than ever where you are invited to join us in celebrating the arrival of spring. After the dinner, Allmänna Sången will be performing live through the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio at Gunillaklockan outside of Uppsala castle. The spring celebrations is a cooperation between Allmänna Sången, Kuratorskonventet, the municipality of Uppsala and the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio. This is a unique opportunity to experience a real ball at the castle with all the splendour you can imagine. You will be part of an evening of beautiful traditions, a three-course dinner, dancing to a big band, and making new memories for a lifetime. The ball is open to everyone above 18 years of age, and no student nation card is required. Let the fairy tale come true for a night and buy a ticket to the Walpurgis Ball with Allmänna Sången. DETAILS ABOUT THE BALL The gates open at 16:00 with an aperitif served thereafter. Dinner will be served at 17:00. Prices: 1190 SEK (ordinary ticket), 1690 SEK (golden ticket) The price includes an aperitif, three-course dinner incl. beverages and a ticket to the party after the dinner incl. midnight snack Dress code: white tie (tailcoat, white waistcoat and bowtie etc) / evening gown, with academic medals Tickets to the dinner are sold between Sunday fifth of March (5/3) until Wednesday 12th of April throughout Lyyti: Concert by Gunillaklockan: 21:00, which also will be transmitted through the Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio. The theme for this year's ball is inspired by the bicentenary and the idea of "a beautiful story", with further inspiration from the 1823 stories by Jane Austen and the "Regency" era in Great Britain. THE AFTER PARTY Party after dinner: 21:30-02:00 Price: 250 SEK Midnight snack included Music will be provided by Attraktionsorkestern Dress code: formal (suit) Tickets to the party after dinner are sold until May 1st throughout Lyyti: Do you have any questions? Please contact: !

  • Antagningar VT2022 | Allmänna Sången

    Helgen den 8-9 januari kommer Allmänna Sången att ha antagningar. Till vårterminen söker vi duktiga sångare till samtliga stämmor. Antagningsprovet består av: • Valfri solosång som visar på just din röstkapacitet • Röstomfång • Gehörsprov • A vista-prov och ensemblesång Det finns ett begränsat antal platser till insjungningen och vid stort söktryck kan ett urval komma att ske baserat på tidigare erfarenhet. Slutgiltigt besked om eventuell insjungningstid samt övrig information skickas ut den 4e januari. Ansökan sker via hemsidan: , sök senast den 3e januari. Har du frågor är det bara att mejla:

  • Allmänna Sången möter Johan Dalene | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sången möter Johan Dalene - The Lark Ascending Nu är det äntligen dags för Allmänna Sångens årliga vårkonsert, eller som vi har valt att kalla den, The Lark Ascending. Konserten gästas i år av den redan världsturnerande violinisten Johan Dalene. Johan är en ung violinist som fått lovord både här hemma och runt om i världen och vi är mycket glada över att ha honom som gästartist nu när världen återvänder till konsertsalarna, och Johan försvinner ut i världen igen. På programmet står bland annat det berömda stycket The Lark Ascending, komponerat av Ralph Vaughan Williams år under brinnande världskrig år 1914. Den sättning som vi känner igen skrev han däremot först till premiären 1920. Detta mycket älskade verk för violin och orkester är skrivet över en 122 rader lång pastoral. I denna sättning av Paul Drayton från 2018 får kören både ta orkesterns roll och sjunga de ord som inspirerat tonsättaren. Vi hälsar er varmt välkomna till en vårvarm konsert som inte tvekar att utmana med en kyligare vind eller en pust från Provence. Vem vet vad som händer när Allmänna Sången möter Johan Dalene. Köp dina biljetter här!

  • Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award

    The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2021 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Gittan Glans for her piece ”When Breathing Like a Bird”. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 50, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s anniversary concert on October 23rd, 2021. The jury’s remarks ”The composer shows great knowledge in writing for choir, with smart usage of different compositional techniques. The strong technical foundation, together with a convincing approach to the metaphor of the text, makes this a standout piece, ready for richly nuanced interpretations worldwide.” The composer Gittan Glans is originally from Åsenhöga outside Gnosjö in Småland, Sweden. She has an education as a piano teacher from the music academy in Gothenburg and now works as a freelance musician, arranger, composer and piano teacher at the music academy at Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola (SVF) in Jönköping. As a freelance musician she works across genres and feels at home in everything from jazz, folk music and pop to classical music. She has written music for everything from choir and symphony orchestra to big band and her own trio, Henningson & Glans. During the years 2007–2009 she featured as singer and multi-instrumentalist in the Swedish TV show På spåret. With a background as pianist and arranger, she has begun composing more and more during the last fifteen years, and has written music for choirs such as Jönköpings Kammarkör and Musiklinjens kör at SVF. The winning piece “A single little voice can suffice, and with that carry all of the hope we all need to feel” – so says the text author Marie Winald-Karlström in her comment about her lyrics. ”When breathing like a bird” consists of three parts. The first is playful and illustrates, among other things, raindrops. The second portrays the calm before sunrise. In the third part, the feeling of happiness shines through and the bird gets to give a voice to the big things contained within the small – ”When breathing like a bird”. Words from the winner “Choral music is something that has always been there and shaped my entire music life. I have sung a lot in choirs, such as in Göteborgs Kammarkör under the direction of Gunnar Eriksson. As a chorist you gain an insight into the structure of choirs and choral music, something that I think has inspired me, and that has had a great influence on my writing. In light of this, and because choral music is so dear to my heart, I feel truly honoured and immensely happy to have received this award. Thank you!!!” Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of Libby Larsen, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Robert Sund and Maria Goundorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB, together with sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse and Uppsala kommuns kulturnämnd. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit , follow us on social media or contact the project manager, Lars Liljenberg, at . Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • Snabbt jagar stormen | Allmänna Sången

    Snabbt jagar stormen i Gottsunda kyrka I juli åker Allmänna Sången på turné till Provence för att sjunga i några av Frankrikes vackra katedraler. För att den sagolika musiken inte bara ska klinga i Provence, utan få upplevas även här i Uppsala, så vill vi presentera ett urval från turnéprogrammet under denna konsert. Gottsunda kyrka med sin färgstarka utsmyckning påminner oss om att det inte bara är långt bort som det vackra finns. Det är ju en bekant företeelse att det som finns i ens närhet inte alltid fångar ens blick, liksom vår svenska körmusik ligger oss så nära att vi ibland inte hör den. Genom texten och musik kan den söka beskriva ekot som uppstår av älvens brus i Neiden, eller hur nattens ankomst befästs av hur stjärnorna tänds upp över himlavalvet. Allmänna Sången vill blåsa liv i några av dessa sånger så att de inte kan undgå någons öra. Omgivna av verk som Un soir de neige av Poulenc, Messiaens O sacrum conivium och stycken av jubilarerna Robert Sund och Hugo Alfvén är detta en konsert som precis som stormen rör våra sinnen, vilket tillåter var och en att känna tillhörighet genom musiken. Köp dina biljetter här!

  • Conductor | Allmänna Sången

    THE CONDUCTOR Maria Goundorina Maria Goundorina, or Masja for short, is originally from the town of Novosskolniki, Russia. Maria's interest in choral music was born at the age of seven, when she joined a children's choir which later developed into school for choristers. Maria began her musical studies at the Ippolitov-Ivanov musical institute and Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. After recieving her diploma from the latter Maria spent a number of years in Austria, where she studied at the University of Vienna. In 2005 Maria moved to Stockholm to study choral conducting, under Anders Eby and Cecilia Rydinger among others, at the Royal College of Music. Maria recieved her degree in choral conducting in the spring of 2008. During her time as a student, Maria also made time to both lead and perform with many prestigious ensembles in Russia, Germany and Sweden, as well partaking numerous conducting competitions. In 2004 Maria was one of the finalists in the International Competition for Young Choir Conductors taking place in Vienna, where she recieved the prize for "Best interpretation of a Romantic piece". In 2007 Maria was afforded the Eric Ericson travel bursary, and in 2009 she was a finalist in the international conducting competition The Eric Ericson Award. In November of 2009 Maria Goundorina was chosen to be the new conductor of Allmänna Sången. She is the 27th conductor of the choir. Born / 1978 Nationality / Russian Elected / 2010

  • ASAWCA Winner 2024

    Uppsala, March 8th, 2024 Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall C omposition Award 2024 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Erika Hammarberg for her piece ”En sådan kväll (Such an evening)” based on a poem by Solveig von Schoultz. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 60, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s spring concert on May 4th, 2024. The jury’s remarks ”The composition is highly expressive, written in a romantic manner and blends very well with the text. The piece’s central motif is repeated in various ways throughout the well structured composition. The harmonies, including meaningful dissonances, are artfully crafted and seamlessly flow into each other, narrating the story with different atmospheres. The composer has a deep understanding of choral sound and techniques.” The composer Erika Hammarberg moves between jazz and classical music. Her music is characterized by linear melodies, layered rhythmic intensity and harmonies that range from triads to complex clusters. She has composed for jazz orchestra, choir, chamber orchestra and string quartet, and is musical director, pianist, arranger and composer for Elaria Orchestra. She released her debut album Ikigai in 2022. After studying piano pedagogy, Erika embarked on a path through music theory and musical arrangement before pursuing master’s studies in composition at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm under the guidance of both jazz composers and classically oriented teachers such as Örjan Fahlström, Peter Danemo, Johan Hammerth and Ann-Sofi Söderqvist. Erika Hammarberg is an associate professor in composition at Örebro university. Words from the winner – Choral music has been a natural part of me as a musician and composer since childhood. As my artistic focus lies in composing for acoustic instruments, I often and gladly compose for choir. – I want to cherish the Swedish choral tradition. I also believe that it is important for new and exciting choral music to be continuously composed and performed worldwide. Therefore, this award is a nice initiative for continued development, and I am very proud and honoured to receive it! – Solveig von Shoultz’s poem conveys strong emotions and a clear identity. For me, the text has gradually shifted from describing resting after a long day’s work to be about death. Perhaps this transformation can be heard in the end of the piece, with the final journey sensed towards the end? I improvised the music’s form, motif and sound at the piano while reading the text. Luckily, I recorded it with my phone! Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of av Nana Forte, John Høybye, Robert Sund and Maria Go undorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB and sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit , follow us on social media or contact the project manager, Karolina Jörgensen, at . Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • Valborgsbal 2022 | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sången Walpurgis Ball! After a break of three years, it is finally time for Allmänna Sången, the oldest academic choir in Northern Europe, to once again welcome everyone back to the traditional Walpurgis Ball at Uppsala castle. With daylight returning and hearts and minds thawing, we present to you the crown jewel of springtime celebrations. For many years the Walpurgis Ball has been organised by Allmänna Sången and open to the public to participate as part of the annual spring celebrations in Uppsala being held on the last day of April. After the dinner, Allmänna Sången will be performing live through the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio at Gunillaklockan outside of Uppsala castle; an unbroken tradition since 1830. This is a golden opportunity to experience a real ball at the castle, with all its splendor you could imagine. You will be part of an evening of beautiful traditions, a three-course dinner, dancing to a big band and making new memories for a lifetime. The ball is open to everyone above 18 years of age, and no student nation card is required. Let the fairy tale come true for a night and go to the Walpurgis Ball with Allmänna Sången. DETAILS ABOUT THE BALL The tickets to the dinner was sold throughout 13th of April. The formal dinner starts with an aperitif served from 16:00 Prices: 1050 SEK (ordinary) / 900 SEK (student) The price includes an aperitif, three-course dinner incl. beverages and a ticket to the party after the dinner incl. midnight snack Dress code: Formal attire (white tie) / evening gown Concert by Gunillaklockan: 21:00, which also will be transmitted through the Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio. THE AFTER PARTY Party after dinner: 21:30-02:00 Price: 200 SEK Midnight snack included Music will be provided by Attraktionsorkestern Dress code: formal (suit) Tickets to the party after dinner are sold until April 30th throughout Lyyti: Do you have any questions? Please contact: !

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